Since 2000, Midwest Turf, Inc. has been working to provide solutions for the challenges that golf course superintendents and sports turf managers face throughout Kansas and Missouri. Working with Floratine Products Group we bring the highest quality and most up-to-date technology in foliar solutions and soil amendments into programs for our turfgrass clients. The target of creating stronger and healthier turfgrass which can fight more of its battles on its own is where we strive to take our clients. Through the most advanced diagnostic soil testing services, we aim to set goals that can balance soils to create a positive soil environment where the turfgrass can thrive. Through proper nutrition and by stimulating plant defense mechanisms, the end goal for the turfgrass manager is to become less dependent on the over-use of chemicals. We feel these goals are extremely beneficial for the turfgrass, the soil, and the environment.
Through our relationship with Floratine Products Group, our primary focus is to create the strongest turf through proper soil and foliar nutrition, we also represent JRM Inc., Select Source and UPI (generic chemistries) and TurfMax LLC (TurfScreen) to offer a well rounded selection of turfgrass solutions to our clients.
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